Archive for 2012
So, looking at the graphic, we find out that people with a fixed mindset believe that intelligence is static. This belief leads to a desire to look smart and therefore a tendency to: avoid challenges; give up easily; see effort as fruitless or worse; ignore useful negative feedback; and, feel threatened by the success of others. By acting on the belief that our qualities are fixed, people are less likely to reach their full potential.
Opposite this, we see that the belief that intelligence can be developed underlies the growth mindset and leads to a desire to learn. There is, therefore, the tendency to: embrace challenges; persist in the face of setbacks; see effort as the path to mastery; learn from criticism; and, find lessons and inspiration in the success of others. Because of these tendencies, people are more likely to achieve higher levels of success.
Dweck found that very young children already displayed beliefs related to one mindset or another. In one study, four-year-olds were offered a choice between redoing an easy jigsaw puzzle and trying a harder one. Some chose to play it safe and not risk exposing themselves to failure. Smart kids “don’t do mistakes” they said. The other children couldn’t understand why they wouldn’t try to do the harder one. Dweck found that “children with the fixed mindset want to make sure they succeed. Smart people should always succeed. But for children with the growth mindset, success is about stretching themselves. It’s about becoming smarter.” (Dweck 2012 Ch.2)
From an early age, we are continuously interpreting and making sense of the world around us, attaching meaning to what people say and do, and forming beliefs about our and other’s abilities. These beliefs can have a huge impact on our actions and the lives we choose to lead. Mindsets, according to Dweck, are an important part of our personalities, but just as intelligence is not set in stone, neither are our mindsets. We can change our mindset, even if temporarily. So, assuming that the growth mindset is most conducive to learning, what can we, as educators, say and do to influence our learners.
Tell them about the growth mindset
As James suggested in his post, we can share what we know about the mindsets. Show them the graphic. Dweck claims that “just by knowing about the two mindsets you can start thinking and reacting in different ways.” Even if someone generally has a fixed mindset, this doesn’t mean that they will always be in that mindset. Dweck found in her studies that they were able to put people into a growth mindset. “We tell them that an ability can be learned and that the task will give them a chance to do that.” (Dweck 2012 Ch.2) So, we can let people know about the mindset, and we can also highlight how we expect activities to help them learn and develop. (We can then ask them to reflect on whether they think we’re right!)
Tell them how learning can affect the brain
Dweck and her colleagues developed a series of workshops to teach students about the growth mindset. In it, students find out how the brain develops when people practise and learn new things.
“When you learn new things, these tiny connections in the brain actually multiply and get stronger. The more that you challenge your mind to learn, the more your brain cells grow. Then, things that you once found very hard or even impossible—like speaking a foreign language or doing algebra—seem to become easy. The result is a stronger, smarter brain.” (Dweck 2012 Ch.8)
On learning about the brain in their first workshop, one disengaged student asked emotionally “You mean I don’t have to be dumb?” Following the workshop, his teacher reported that he was putting a lot of effort into his homework, where before he didn’t submit any, and as a result of this increased effort improved his grades considerably.
It may be important to note here that growth-minded people don’t believe that anyone can become anything, but that a person’s true potential is unknown and unknowable.
Help them identify strengths and weaknesses
We can help people identify what they need to learn, and we can help them to be realistic about what they can’t do… yet! Some people with a fixed mindset may think they are not capable of some things but others may also have inflated ideas of their abilities, which will also affect their learning.
We also need to encourage people to recognise what they can do and what they have learned either with you or in other (perhaps less formal) contexts.
Value effort and learning
We want our learners to work, to learn and to continue to develop, so it makes sense to value learning and effort rather than what they can already do with little work.
Help them find the right strategies
Make a vivid, concrete plan
It’s the simple things that make a difference – and I do like to keep things simple! Sometimes we just need to highlight what appears to be common sense in case we take them for granted, or assume that everyone thinks or believes like we do.
What’s important to me is the idea that a person’s potential is unknown. We can’t write people off as not being good language learners, or tell them that science is not their thing. It may well be that they are finding it difficult right now, but there are different ways to learn, different approaches and strategies to try, and we should help them to explore these different ways. We can also learn from them if we don’t impose our way of learning, and are open to finding out what works for them.
We don’t want to be that teacher who tells a future Nobel prize winner that the idea of becoming a scientist is ridiculous because “he will insist on doing his work in his own way.”
Dweck, C. (2012). Mindset: How You Can Fulfil Your Potential. Kindle Edition.
Gardner, H. (1997). Extraordinary Minds. New York: Basic Books.
Carol Goodey is currently an Adult Literacies & ESOL Worker in Community Learning and Development with a local authority in Scotland. She's also taught general English & EAP to students coming to study at university in Scotland, and does some tutor training. She has an MSc in TESOL and really enjoy keeping up with what’s going on in the ELT/ESOL world, via Twitter (@cgoodey), forums and blogs and, whenever I get the chance, talks and conferences. She blogs at
Posted by hf,c,.jgvkhbj,. in attitude, mindset, thinking
Starseeds © Jon Lomberg - Inspired by Carl Sagan's Cosmos |
One of the joys I have found in my new interest in science is that it has brought me into what was a previously unknown world of inspiration, enlightenment and influence. As I am exposed to the likes of Neil Degrasse Tyson, Richard Feynman, and Richard Dawkins, I’m gratified that I have been able to bring their wisdom and intelligence into my life, and hopefully just a little bit will rub off somewhere. But one name sticks out above all others. In the last few months, I have been watching the finest television series I have ever seen, a source of wonder and learning for me which I cannot believe took so long to become part of my life. This series is Cosmos, presented by the legendary Carl Sagan.
I’m still struggling to comprehend how I wasn’t aware of the show before now. I'm a culturally aware person, but somehow it passed me by. I guess jokes like this just went over my head:
In each programme he leads us on a personal voyage through the history of scientific discovery and the universe, known and unknown. The show is aimed at viewers without a scientific background and not only explains the cosmos around us, but also the achievements of the great thinkers of the past, such as Copernicus, Brahe and Kepler.
So as a result of watching the show my knowledge of the universe is increasing, but I'm no cosmologist and I can't claim to understand everything. But there's a lot we can learn from a programme like this even if we don't understand particle physics or string theory. Essentially, in the show, Carl Sagan is a teacher and we are his pupils. Watch the video below to see what I mean. As you watch, you can try and learn about Flatland if you like, but mostly I want you to pay attention to what you can learn from him as a teacher.
If you were one of my students, it is at this point I'd ask you compare your observations with a peer. This time however, we are both learners, so you can compare your notes with mine:
- He's explaining a difficult concept, something many of the viewers will be unfamiliar with. Despite this he isn't at all patronising, treating the audience with intelligence as he diligently and precisely explains the concept.
- He displays an in-depth knowledge and is not shy about you knowing that he is an authority figure when it comes to this subject. In other words, he is clearly the teacher and we are definitely the learners.
- While he treats the subject seriously, he is not without humour. He is very effective at breaking up the moments of seriousness with moments of levity. He handles the tone of the discourse beautifully.
- He is clearly spoken and precise in his language. His ability to deliver a complicated concept in an economical way makes it easier to comprehend.
- He uses practical and clear demonstrations to illustrate his point, again making the idea easier to understand. He's not afraid of being very explicit in explaining what his point is.
- His use of language is particularly interesting. He speaks beautifully and yet you never feel that he is talking 'over you'. In fact, I love the mixture of registers he uses, ranging from "the universe is finite but unbounded" to “the only conclusion is that he's gone bonkers”.
- His body language is open and inviting. He frequently smiles, and you feel more like you're being led on a journey of discovery by a wise uncle then bewildered by overly serious academic.
- He occasionally uses aphorisms, for example “If you want to know what it’s like inside a black hole, look around”. They act as a form of punctuation, summarising the key points that he has just stated or asking the main questions that need to be emphasised. Phrases like this are memorable for the learners, and will enable them to recall key concepts at a later date.
It is vital that we, not just as language teachers but as educators in general, are prepared to look outside of our immediate circle to find influences and heroes. We have much to learn from Sagan and his like and we should not be cowed by his intellectual might and obvious gifts. Rather we should look to his example and and attempt to his follow in his footsteps with a ready heart and an open mind, although, as Sagan himself famously said:
Posted by hf,c,.jgvkhbj,. in Carl Sagan, influences
If there’s an attitude that I want this blog to encompass, it’s right here in this infographic:
Taken from here. Originally published in Information Graphics by Sandra Rendgren (Taschen). |
Or, and it's something I’ve been trying is to do, is to choose the second option to push yourself down that right channel, the path of growth. I say push yourself because it’s not easy, it’s hard work and requires you to think outside of your comfort zone. I'm doing this because I know the reward is to reach a higher level of achievement, a greater sense of understanding of myself and the universe, and an increase in my self-confidence.
I’m trying to choose the difficult path to progress rather than the easy path to atrophy. And that’s why this blog exists.
But as language teachers and learners, we can also see how these options can relate specifically to language learning. It is clear that those students who adopt a “growth mindset” have a far greater opportunity for success than those who don’t. In fact, I would go so far as to say that those who choose the left path will never learn a language as they might say they wish.
It’s at this point that I have to reflect on my own language learning and concede that I have often chosen the path of least resistance. I’ve never been a particularly comfortable language student (you can read about my troubles here), and in part this is due to the fact that I’ve never really had a good teacher who could even recognise my difficulties, let alone help me with them. Of course I accept that it is ultimately the students individual responsibility to facilitate their own learning, but as a language teacher I feel it is my responsibility to help them along as much as I can.
The position of a ‘fixed mindset’ is primarily going to be adopted because of fear. The student is frightened of looking stupid in front of the class or the teacher when they have an information gap, or realises that this part of language is something they have struggled with in the past and they don’t want to face it again, or some other reason that prevents learning. So the question I have to ask is how can I change this person’s mindset from fixed to growth?
The first thing that springs to mind is openness. There’s no reason why you couldn’t print off this infographic and use it as the source of a lesson. Get the students discussing their own fears, worries and hang ups. Turn those fears into positive objectives which together you can plan to tackle over the duration of the course.
Create challenges which are in line with their objectives. Ideally you want the students to be coming to you and saying “this is what I want to achieve and I want you to help me get there”. Don’t confuse their needs with your own perception of what their needs are. Giving them a needs analysis survey at the beginning of a course is a great way to do this.
And as well as making sure you recognise their achievements, give them the mechanism to recognise their own achievements. Together, create course checklists, make goals which you pin up on the wall and come back to regularly. Get them to tell you and each other when they have achieved something, instead of it always coming from the teacher. Make sure that appraisal of their progress is a consistent part of their course.
Make criticism an integral part of their studies, and most importantly, make most of it peer criticism. They will expect you as teacher to be the one who tells them how good or otherwise they are doing, but building peer feedback into their course right from the beginning is invaluable. They will need training and guidance, but once they have an understanding in how to give and receive criticism in the correct manner from each other they will begin to use it as a part of the improvement process.
Give them the opportunity to find realistic role models. Discuss their heroes and what they have learned from them. Make them explain these characteristics and get them to discuss how they will try and include their influence in their own lives. This discussion doesn’t have to be limited to language learning, but their lives in general and hopefully the effect of consciously thinking about their influence will trickle down into their language learning.
And finally, don’t be scared of taking yourself down that difficult path and do a little reflection yourself. Does part of their difficulty lie in the way your class is organised? Are your activities focused enough? Do you give them space and time to really achieve their objectives? Are you listening to them? The answers to these questions may be yes, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be asked in the first place. It’s all part of having a growth mindset.
The original tweet that inspired this blog post:
Posted by hf,c,.jgvkhbj,. in attitude, mindset, thinking
Welcome to Think!, a new blog which will, I hope, help you to look at language teaching and learning in a different way. The aim of this blog is to take the best ideas from culture and look at how they can influence what we teachers do in our classrooms.
So what do I mean by culture? It’s a very general term and can encompass many areas of human life. In some ways this is its strength, as it allows us to define it as it fits our needs and demands. In the context of this blog, it covers the arts, science, philosophy, sociology, politics, psychology, anthropology and anything else I find relevant or interesting.
In the last year or so, I’ve become fascinated and inspired by these fields and the amazing discoveries that continue to arise. I find myself reflecting on these findings and wonder how they could or will affect my teaching. This blog is a space for me to share these reflections and discuss them with you.
Now I should say that I have no academic background in these subjects, so my conclusions are entirely non-scholarly and completely based on my experiences as a practitioner and enthusiast. I make no apology for this, but it may sometimes result in inaccuracies in thought or understanding. If I make one of these mistakes, feel free to let me know (in a nice way!) by leaving a comment.
This is a journey of discovery for me, a place where I share thoughts, reflections and inspiration. Sometimes I’ll hit home and sometimes you’ll think I’m clutching at straws. I don’t mind that because the purpose of this blog is to examine, question, reflect, improve and most of all, to think!
About me: Originally from Brighton, UK, I have taught English as a foreign language to adults in Brazil, South Korea and Belgium. Currently based in Brussels, I teach business and general EFL to adults. I have been blogging at since October 2010. You can also find me presenting the ELTchat podcast, a round up of the latest news for English language teachers.
Photos taken from and, used under a CC Attribution Non-Commercial licence,
Posted by hf,c,.jgvkhbj,.